Records Show Robby Starbuck Has Never Voted in a Tennessee GOP Primary, Making TN-5 Candidate Vulnerable to Ballot Challenge


Robby Starbuck, who formally declared his run for Tennessee’s 5th Congressional District in June 2021, just two years after moving to Tennessee from California, told The Tennessee Star on Saturday “I don’t feel it’s necessary” to explain why he claimed in a January 21 radio interview with The Tennessee Star Report that he voted in two Tennessee GOP primaries in 2020, when voting records provided to The Tennessee Star by Williamson County officials show that he did not vote in either 2020 Tennessee GOP primary.

Tennessee Republican Party bylaws require active Republicans to have either (1) voted in three of the last four GOP primaries or (2) to have their “bona fide” status vouched for by Republicans in the district they seek to represent and then approved in a majority vote by a specially assembled committee of the Tennessee Republican Party State Executive Committee in order qualify to be on the August 2022 GOP primary ballot.

The new boundaries of the Fifth Congressional District approved by the Tennessee General Assembly now include parts of Davidson, Williamson, and Wilson Counties, as well as all of Maury County, Marshall County, and Lewis County. Incumbent Rep. Jim Cooper (D-TN-05) announced last week that he will not seek re-election, and a number of high profile Republicans are considering entry into the race.

The one-time Hollywood music video producer told The Star that the Williamson County GOP chairman told him he is eligible and “bona fide,” therefore qualified to be on the primary ballot, and that discussion otherwise is “just semantics,” after The Star shared with him his Williamson County voting record that conflicts with his claim to have voted in two Tennessee Republican primaries in 2020.

You can see below that voting history record, which clearly shows that the only 2020 election in Tennessee in which Starbuck, whose legal name is Robert Starbuck Newsom, voted was the November 2020 general election. (Page 2 of the document shows election voting history). These records show that Starbuck/Newsom did not vote in either the March 2020 or August 2020 Tennessee Republican primary elections. Starbuck apparently registered to vote in Williamson County, Tennessee in 2019 using a shortened version of his legal name, Robert Newsom.

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Tennessee GOP Party Chairman Scott Golden told The Star that all GOP primary candidates are presumed to be “bona fide” until they are challenged. Once challenged, the burden of proof to be placed on the ballot rests with the candidate. Golden stated that no challenges will be accepted until February 7, when potential candidates are allowed to request petition papers to gather signatures to be placed on the ballot.

If his “bona fide” status is challenged, and having failed to meet the standard of voting in three of the last four Republican primaries, Starbuck will need to be vouched for by local Republicans, then obtain approval by a majority vote of the special committee of the Tennessee Republican Party State Executive Committee that will likely be convened some time after February 7 but before the nomination petition filing deadline of early April to appear on the August 2022 Republican primary ballot for the Fifth Congressional District.

That vouching hearing will be open to the public. Starbuck supporters who live in the district and vouch for him will make their case to a committee consisting of Tennessee Republican Party chairman Scott Golden and State Executive Committee members who represent the six counties that are entirely or partially in the newly drawn Fifth Congressional District.

The Tennessee Star Report host Michael Patrick Leahy asked Starbuck about his Tennessee voting history, in a live radio interview broadcast on January 21, and Starbuck repeatedly claimed to have voted in Tennessee Republican primaries, a claim which Williamson County election records demonstrate is not true.

Leahy: There’s another question about the standards of eligibility to run for the Republican primary. I’m sure you’ve looked at this quite a bit. And we had a story on it and talked to the party chair, Scott Golden, about this. I think the standard is you have to have voted in three of the past four Republican primaries wherever you live.

So here in Tennessee, that would be the August [2020] primary, August 2018 primary, as well as the March presidential primary in 2020 and the August 2016 primary. That’s the standard. Three out of the past four. Have you met those standards?

Starbuck: Yes. One thing that’s important to understand, I have. Everybody’s got my voting record because I did live out of state for some of those elections. And they’ve got my California voting record. They have my registration. The purpose of it really is to make sure you’re a Republican in Tennessee because it is not a closed primary state.

In California, where I was it was a closed primary state, and I was always registered as a Republican and always voted Republican. That’s something that’s out there. All the party chairs have it. And I don’t think it’s going to be an issue.

Leahy: So if you could the last four primaries that existed, how many did you vote for in Tennessee’s Republican primary and how many in California? Do you remember?

Starbuck: If I go back, it would be one primary here and then the rest in California were primaries because it would have been the last primary. It’d be two primaries here and then the rest in California.

Leahy: The primary here would have been August of 2020 and March of 2020. So you voted here in those GOP primaries and then the previous two were in California, is that right?

Starbuck: Yes.

Listen to the exchange:


When The Star followed up with Starbuck on Saturday, asking why he said live on the radio that he had voted in two Tennessee Republican primaries when records said he did not, Starbuck did not deny the authenticity of the Williamson County election official documentation of his voting record.

He responded:

To be perfectly honest I was caught off guard by the question and didn’t have a calendar to confirm on in the moment and I didn’t consider anyone would ever question my Republican bonafides since I’m one of the most vocal conservatives in the country and sacrificed so much in my career to be so vocal. To be clear again, I’ve already been vetted and approved by the county I live in (Williamson) and they have my documents proving the only party I’ve ever been registered to is the Republican Party (when I lived in a closed primary state where you can declare your party) and I’ve voted consistently. I don’t feel it’s necessary to go further into this when I’ve already been informed by the county party that I’m eligible and bonafide. This is just semantics that ultimately don’t matter to people’s everyday lives in Tennessee. Seeing as I’m already approved and bonafide, my focus needs to be on helping people, listening to people and fighting for them — not dispelling ridiculous rumors every 10 seconds. I see this as the kind of trivial thing people have to try to gin up because my record on the issues is unassailable.

The Star first presented Starbuck with the document obtained from Williamson County election officials showing his voting record one day earlier on Friday, and asked if he wanted to comment on his voting history and candidate status as a bona fide Republican. In his initial response, Starbuck did not address the issue of the authenticity of the Williamson County election document, but he did not deny that it was authentic.

Starbuck responded to The Star later that day:

The purpose of the eligibility rule in Tennessee is to verify that you’re a bonafide Republican because we have open primaries here where you don’t get to declare your party. I believe we should have closed primaries for this and other reasons but I lived in a closed primary state previously (CA) where i’ve been declared a Republican my entire life and voted in each election.

He continued:

Party chairs in Davidson & Williamson have had my voter history from CA and TN for a long time. They’ve had zero issue with it. It’s been sent to the Wilson County GOP chair recently too. I called Williamson County GOP Chair Cheryl Brown last night to confirm that there’s no issue again. Cheryl confirmed again to me that there’s no issue with my eligibility. These rumors stem from people in the establishment who are desperate to keep a true representative of the people out of this race because they know I’m going to win.

As previously reported by The Star, the Tennessee Republican Party bylaws say in Article IX that in order to qualify to seek the Republican nomination for an elected office at any level in the state, a candidate must be considered a bona fide Republican. A bona fide Republican candidate must satisfy section A and either of sections B or C of the following criteria:

A. Any individual who is actively involved in the Tennessee Republican Party, his County Republican Party, or any recognized auxiliary organization of either; and resides and is registered to vote in said county;

and either 

B. Any individual who has voted in at least three (3) of the four (4) most recent Statewide Republican primary elections; or

C. Any individual who is vouched for in writing (to the satisfaction of the decision makers defined herein) as a bona fide Republican by an officer of the TRP or a member
of the CEC, excluding SEC members, of the County and/or District where said individual resides. The decision makers defined herein may require additional verification that said individual is indeed a bona fide Republican.

The congressional hopeful likely satisfies the first criterion, but his voting history shows that he failed to satisfy section B. His voting history record shows that he was eligible to vote in Tennessee’s 2020 March presidential and August 2020 primaries, but the record does not show him voting in either.

Starbuck’s candidacy may satisfy section C if an officer of the Republican Party or recognized affiliate vouches for him in writing, but there’s also a provision in the bylaws that provides for a challenge to a candidate’s bona fide status.

Section 2 of Article IX governs that challenge process.

The challenge is made to the State Chairman from two or more registered voters from within the district that the candidate is running in. A statewide candidate could get challenged from any area of the state, while a congressional candidate could only be challenged from that congressional district. All the individuals making the challenge must “voted in at least three (3) of the last four (4) most recent Statewide Republican primary elections. Such a challenge must be made no later than five (5) days before the deadline for removal of a candidate’s name from a ballot under TCA Section 2-5-204 or otherwise, or any other applicable deadline.”

Subsequent to the filing of such a challenge, the public meeting at which the special committee of Tennessee Republican Party’s Executive Committee determines whether Starbuck will be allowed on the August 2022 Republican primary ballot will be convened.

It is not clear at present, how that special committee would rule if Starbuck’s eligibility to appear on the primary ballot is challenged.

This is Starbuck’s first run for elected office.

– – –

Aaron Gulbransen is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Robby Starbuck” by Robby Starbuck. Background Photo “Voting Booths” by Tim Evanson. CC BY-SA 2.0.





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22 Thoughts to “Records Show Robby Starbuck Has Never Voted in a Tennessee GOP Primary, Making TN-5 Candidate Vulnerable to Ballot Challenge”

  1. […] to be upfront about his failure to vote in Tennessee Republican primaries, but The Star’s reporting on the matter shows that is not the case. Starbuck first claimed to have voted in the Tennessee GOP […]

  2. […] the publicly announced candidates, Robby Starbuck’s voting record shows that he never voted in a Republican primary in Tennessee and does not meet the three out of four […]

  3. […] be vulnerable to a challenge to bona fide Republican status. Robby Starbuck’s voting record shows that he never voted in a Republican primary in Tennessee. Sources have told The Star that former […]

  4. […] claimed that he voted in the August of 2020 and March of 2020 Tennessee Republican primaries. Records provided by Williamson County election officials, where he lives and is registered to vote, […]

  5. […] claimed that he voted in the August of 2020 and March of 2020 Tennessee Republican primaries. Records provided by Williamson County election officials, where he lives and is registered to vote, […]

  6. Joe Pasquale

    Apologies in advance for punctuation, i would blame it on Siri…… but yes i actually typed it myself 🤦🏻‍♂️

    Interesting an entire article and nothing about what he thinks, his positions, the places he has shown up- seems that might be as relevant as some of the technical jargon….. i mean you pulled the actual statute…. That must have taken some time……

    i suppose you could log onto social media and look at some of his speeches at the infamous Wilco School Board meeting, ooooh had they not been deemed mis-information and taken down……. Gosh masks and school closing positions that were misinformation 8 months ago are now being verified by liberal publications such as the NYT and Reuters…..!!!

    But thats how it works right…. Classify someone as misinforming to exclude them from the public square ……. And then go after them for minutia and technicalities …. Legerdemain but effective….. they do that to Tenessee Stands and other conservative grass roots organizations to avoid discussing the actual issue dismiss the case on standing as opposed to discussing merit….. i know standing is important even while it is sometimes employed for shall we say …… less than egalitarian means.

    Well – full disclosure….. i only see Robbie on Sundays with his family AND my daughter does Sunday School with his kids……there are a few of us who stand around and chat while the kids swing off the chandaliers….. It’s a church in Franklin that people refer to as the “freedom church”- if you know the area you know the place. ……. Nicknamed such because of the outspoken nature of the congregants….. We didn’t/dont mask and we didn’t shut down…. While that seemed like radical & misinformation at one time, now its just common sense and freedom- see how that works…. But i digress.

    To date…… haven’t seen a pic of him with Biden, or heard he had Ruth Bader Ginsberg officiate his wedding, or copies of emails professing (regardless of level of sincerity) felty to Biden ……. That whole…… “Show me your friends and I’ll tell you who you are….” Thingy….. its perhaps simplistic….. but mostly accurate.

    One thing the Mr. Limbaugh said over and over…… “they will tell you who they fear.” They being both democrats and institutionalized GOP operatives…. Of which there seem to be many of in williamson county….. Robby doesn’t worry me at all…. He shows up….. he always shows up……to quote Mike Rowe-“ thats 90% of success …….”

    Gary Humble of Tennesse Stands also shows up ….. and he is simultaneously lauded/vilified for that….. many of the neighbors here in Brentwood like to “discuss” masking in schools, shutting down the studios, virtual learning and restaurants closed or out of business because of the events of the last couple of years….. I get it ……. Robbie, like a huge number of people in the last 2 years escaped LA, Chicago, NYC to Brentwood for the community, schools and freedom…. And he is outspoken……. Didn’t wait his turn…… a carpet bagger…… although the accuracy of a 19th century term in the 21st century would be eschewed in most other applications…..

    The school board fiasco has shown us the Wilco GOP has been negligent for some time…….our candidates are often less then impressive-the books and organization opaque and rumors about its infested with liberals in the most Affluent/Conservative county in Tennessee….….. We are a poster child for empty suits ala Bob Dole….. way past his prime… or Joe Biden……insiders who waited for their turn…. How’s that working out- both parties do it….

    I say…… lets host an actual conversation- school board meeting like- freedom hall???? where candidates have a chance to speak extemporaneously to questions from citizens who actually live in the district and have ID when they show up…. And now my last quote, which i am sure i will do some modicum of injustice to…..
    “I would rather be ruled by the first 400 names in the Boston phone book than by the members of congress”….

    Give yourself 5 stars if you got that one without the inter webs 😉

    1. Joe pasquale

      “I would rather be governed by the first 2,000 people in the telephone directory,” he said, “than by the Harvard University faculty.”

      Buckley……. Yes i completely butchered it ……. But i did so with great reverence!!!

    2. jamie

      Robbys on all the time with Michael Patrick talking about his positions on this issue or that. Hes good on all that but hes not a bonafide republican. Maybe someone will vouch for him but then the state gop will then have to approve. The cursing is not problem the problem is he doesnt come off good because he doesnt say why he should be made bonafide.

  7. Stuart I. Anderson

    For conservatives the worst part of Robby Starbuck is not where he did or didn’t vote in elections, it’s the fact that he wants us to send him to the U.S. House to vote on our behalf when he has never cast a vote in public office before in his life. He and people like him can’t be bothered to show their conservative bona-fides by holding local office or a seat in the General Assembly, oh no, only the U. S. Congress or perhaps Governor or U.S. President will do. HOW UTTERLY PREPOSTEROUS!!!

    We should have none of it. Not Starbucks, not some retired General with time on his hands, or a big monied Williamson County “entrepreneur” with uber centrist Chip Saltsman in tow. Not when we will have candidates with a proven conservative track record in office to choose from.

  8. Kevin

    Funny that the Tennessee Republican Party, including Chairman Scott Golden, US Rep. Tim Burchett, and State Rep Jeremy Faisson, all “vouched for” and allowed to run as a Republican for State House District 18, proven Democrat Eddie Mannis.

    I know rules are rules, but then the Republicans wonder why young voters are disenfranchised! The Republican Party with all of the games that they are playing with the redistricting are going to “kill the golden goose” that the stolen 2020 election gave them!

    1. Katherine McCoun

      Kevin – its not the Republican Party that brought this to public attention. The reporters at this news outlet brought this to the public’s attention.

      No one within the TN GOP SEC or GOP Officers have said he was not qualified or not bona fide. Only this news outlet is reporting that he may not be automatically bona fide via GOP Primary voting records.

      The TN GOP has made no comment and no decision. If the candidate is not automatically bona fide via GOP Primary voting record then the candidate can be challenged. If he/she is challenged then the other method for being bona fide is available – the vouching process.

      At this time, there has been no vouching process and the TN GOP has made No decision/vote on any 2022 candidate’s bona fide status.

      At this time, this is Not a TN GOP issue. Please do not push division within the TN Republican Party by claiming the TN GOP has disqualified or even questioned a candidate or refused a candidate bona fide status as that is inaccurate (fake news) and only helps democrats.

    2. Glenn

      Umm Kevin, you are aware that Tennessee went red during the 2020 Presidential election? So what’s this about some goose and golden egg in a state that went red?

  9. rick

    Looks like a fake republican , he distorts things as easily as a democrat, which is what he probably is . His name does not sound real either like something from his previous employment when he lived in the land of fruits and nuts. A transplant nightmare, A NO VOTE ! “Lets Go Brandon”

  10. […] Voted in a Tennessee GOP Primary, Making TN-5 Candidate Vulnerable to Ballot Challenge,” was published by The Star on […]

  11. LDS

    He filed an FEC Form 2 (Statement of Candidacy) and didn’t use his full name (including first and last) as mandated on that form. There is no provision that supports non-compliance.

    1. Katherine McCoun

      LDS – What is his legal name? and what name did he use instead?

      1. Joellen

        His name is Newsome. Not Starbuck. It’s a stage name.

  12. Concerned GOP

    Sad story. Seen this guy orating at several events. Why’d he have to lie? Makes no sense. The Dems are blowing themselves up. We don’t need this. There are other candidates.

  13. rick

    He just lost my vote , moved to Tennessee from California the land of fruits and nuts, go back to California you weirdo, I d not give a damn who endorsed you, you POS. Not from here you do not get my vote, we know who most of the losers are from here, like Cohen, Jim and John Cooper You had better get someone from Tennessee like Andy Ogles, a proven commodity, not some of this johnny come lately move in carpetbaggers, we have to deal with the move in’s BS everyday much less elect one. Thank you for the article!

    1. Katherine McCoun

      Cursing in a comment regarding a candidate who is being rejected for … cursing in a meme

      Cursing is not a good look for candidates or the commenters who call them out for cursing

      Standards we apply to others should also apply to ourselves. If cursing is not a good way to connect with TN voters then we TN voters probably ought to watch our own language as it is uncomfortable for many of us regardless of the source.

      On the issues, when will Andy Ogles declare he is running? He does have a proven track record and a voting record on the issues that is easy to look up.

  14. Not in the district but sounds fishy to me. Phony republican from Cali.

    1. Trevor

      He should be disqualified based on his voting record! More importantly his truthfulness is in question at a time when we need honest public servants!! I hope Mayor Andy Ogles, Maury County, will run for the 5th! He is a real Tennessee conservative!!
